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Jocelyn hosting a one onone spirtual direction session

Embrace the Art of Slow Living with Fervent Folk

An invitation to a deeper life through the art and process of slow living.

Fervent Folk hold space for the art and process of slow living: space to contemplate and ponder, time to notice and appreciate the beauty of nature and the people around us, the creative practice of using the good things we already have to meet our needs.

Our mission is to embrace and inspire a contemplative approach to life, where careful examination and reflection create space for creativity, discovery, and growth.

Headshot of Jocelyn owner of Fervent Folk
reclaimed Bicycle art

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Sustainable Style, Ethical Elegance

Deepening Your
Spiritual Journey

Discover Clarity, Purpose, and Inner Transformation with Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is about examining how God, the Divine Presence, is moving in your life. 

This practice involves deep listening, silence, contemplative questions & observations as we engage in the exploration of your personal Spiritual journey.

Kirsten, Directee

“Having a spiritual director helps me be intentional about paying attention to God’s presence in my life. Her prompts, questions and silence get me prayerfully reflecting on my experiences, inviting God to speak into my life in meaningful ways. She has helped me process and discern God’s healing, his delight and his guidance in the course of the past year.

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Treaty Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with respect the history, spirituality and culture of the peoples with whom Treaty One was signed and that Fervent Folk operates on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Ininew and Dakota peoples, and on the homeland of the Metis nation. We acknowledge their gifts and recognize our responsibility as Treaty members. We commit to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of collaboration and reconciliation.

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