Now that Josh and I no longer live in Madagascar, Fervent Folk has redirected the investment of profits to well organized non-profit organizations that focus their aid on the poorest of the poor. One of these is Growing the Nations Therapy Programmes.
Me and Anri-Louise this last October as we gathered the stories for the GNTP + Fervent collab.
Anri-Louise is one of my dearest friends. She has done some pretty mind-blowingly amazing things in Madagascar! Years ago she was the only Occupational Therapist on the whole Island. Since then she has worked with the Ministry of Public Health to develop OT programs within the Université d'Ankatso located in Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar. They recently celebrated the graduation of the first Occupational Therapists training in Madagascar. Talk about changing the world! She did this in addition to all the therapy she and her volunteers were giving to the very poor and isolated peoples battling physical and mental disabilities.
Here, below, you can listen to Anri share about her work with GNTP and how Fervent Folk (previously Distaff& Spindle) sales affect their NGO.
Please visit the Growing the Nations website for more stories and information about their life-transforming work!!
Most recently GNTP used funds from Fervent Folk profits to purchase the supplies necessary to build standing frames for children with Cerebral Palsy, like the ones you see in the video above. The standing frames, and all the equipment that GNTP designs and builds for their clients, are built from materials that can be found within Madagascar, making this a sustainable project for the people there.